Francis & Me: Nick Grant

Nick Grant: Postulant in Formation

As a student at Salesianum, I began to ask the big questions. My high school days were filled with after-school activities, time spent with friends, and a busy schedule I almost couldn’t keep track of. However, my senior year brought about a lot of questions that were beyond the problem of managing classes, college applications, or social relationships. What do I want to do with my life? Where do I want to be in four years? Ten? Twenty? I began thinking more intently about these challenges that were fast approaching. It would not be until several years later that I would truly respond. 

I am now a college graduate and a postulant just beginning his long journey to become a future Catholic priest and Oblate of St. Francis de Sales. The pivotal role that this saint has played in my discernment and life can not be overstated; although, the ways in which he called to me to answer my vocation were quite understated. St. Francis had many sayings, but his primary spirituality focused greatly on what he called the little virtues. Humility and gentleness were his favorites. He writes: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” 

When I began to discern not what I wanted in life but what God was calling me to do as a vocation, I realized I needed to embrace humility and accept the presence of the Holy Spirit’s work. Vocations are not just for priests or brothers or sisters or any consecrated religious life; rather, they apply to all of us. What are you called to do? Salesian Spirituality imparts great wisdom on this matter and gives us the freedom to accept God’s will and the great plan the Lord has in store for all his flock.

Live today well!