Francis & Me: Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province

Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province

St. Francis de Sales is an important person to the Sisters of St. Joseph because we follow an Ignatian-SALESIAN spirituality: “Ignatian” because our cofounder was a Jesuit and “Salesian” because Ignatius had a great influence on Francis de Sales. As Sisters of St. Joseph, we strive for the Ignatian ideal of “Magis”— discerning the divine in every situation, always reaching higher, giving more for “the greater glory of God,” and we follow the Salesian call to gentleness, kindness, hope, optimism, and joy and to attitudes of welcome and hospitality. Our Consensus Statement sums it up well: “The Sister of Saint Joseph moves always towards profound love of God and love of neighbor without distinction … in an Ignatian-Salesian climate: that is, with an orientation towards excellence tempered by gentleness, peace, joy.”

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