Rev. David J. Devlin, OSFS
First Profession:
August 20, 1967
Final Profession:
October 3, 1970
May 21, 1977
Faculty, Salesianum School, Father Judge High School, Bishop Ireton High School, Holy Name High School; Parochial Vicar, St. Joachim, Holy Child, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Cecilia , Our Mother of Consolation, Our Lady Star of the Sea; Pastor, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Francis de Sales, Holy Infant
Present Ministry:
Pastor – Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish –Cape May, NJ
What was a favorite course you had in school, from grade school thru grad school?
American History. Wonderful teachers at North Catholic, Allentown College and Villanova University.
Why is Salesian gentleness so important to you?
The strength to treat others with compassion and respect.
If you were asked to select a motto by which to live - other than De Sales' Live Jesus, what would it be?
Pope John XXIII: See everything, overlook a great deal, improve a little.
What do you miss about living in a time when there was less technology? Why?
Conversation that is hearing another's voice and engaging in open dialogue that requires listening to the other.
Pope Francis continues to both inspire and challenge. What is most inspiring about him and what is most challenging?
I am inspired by his courage, humility, joy-filled faith, compassion, and vision of church. The challenge is trying to be the church he calls to conversion and openness.
Of all the gifts friends and family have given you, what is a favorite
My grandfather, David Devlin's pocket watch, cleaned and repaired. Given to me after officiating at a family wedding.
On a bad day, how do you make it a little better?
I offer a prayer of Thanksgiving, thanking the Lord that every day is not like today.
What is a favorite Scripture quote or passage?
Genesis 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.