Rev. John J. Dolan, OSFS
First Profession:
August 8, 1987
Final Profession:
May 14, 1994
June 3, 1995
Faculty, Bishop Ireton High School, Father Judge High School; Parochial Vicar, Our Lady of Good Counsel, St. Ann; Missions
Present Ministry:
Parochial Vicar – Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish – Vienna, VA
Pope Francis initiated a Year of Consecrated Life; what is your understanding of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience?
Poverty: Living simply and not being attached to the “things” which can hinder service to the Gospel. Chastity: Learning to love in an all-inclusive way. Obedience: Discerning and following God’s will.
Of the three vows, which do you see most connecting you to the people you serve?
I believe that the vow of poverty helps me to connect to the people I serve. I have found that trying to live simply and detached of material good has sparked a number of questions and discussions among and with my students. They find it hard to believe that someone can live without some of the material things and still be happy.
What gift do you see the Oblates, as religious men, bringing to the church and world?
Salesian gentleness and pastoral charity.
How does your commitment to a religious community impact your life?
It has helped me to structure my life in such a way that I can know God more and serve God more freely.
What is your greatest hope for religious life in the church?
That we may awaken our world to the love of God.
What has been a surprise for you as you have lived as a religious?
Having grown up in a parish run by religious priests and brothers, I always got the impression that they were different or even special. But now, living as a religious, I know we are ordinary men (with strengths and weaknesses) trying to be good disciples and witnesses to Jesus.
What excites you most about Pope Francis?
His down to earth approach to the situations of the world and the Church. His ability to challenge change by his genuine and simple life. His love for the poor.